Rabu, 16 November 2011


As with Facebook, Blogs keinshi also seems to have started saturated with the color green. Well, you can see this blog now comes with the newer shades. And for the first time (in history) I choose the color theme of blue and white, with edits his own hands. How it feels so .. Any comments? : Lol:
Ohya back to the title. Like this status update? How does it feel if you update the status, and in LIKE by tens or even hundreds of people? Definitely happy right? Unfortunately there are not ways to make your status like thousands of people, unless you had the status Like thousands of people first. Duh, definitely tired!
But if you like a fad, you may try to use the script Like this. With one step, hundreds or even thousands of your friends' status could like quickly. The payoff, of course, if your friend is good, he'll Like me back to your status.
Interested? Here goes the script:

javascript: var i = 0; ex = 0; s = 0; EXP_ALL function () {ExpandComm = document.getElementsByTagName ("input"); for (e = 0; e <ExpandComm.length; e + +) {myClass = ExpandComm [ e]. getAttribute ("class"); if (myClass! = null & & myClass.indexOf ("stat_elem")> = 0) if (ExpandComm [e]. getAttribute ("name") == "view_all") ExpandComm [ e]. click ()}} function EGABLOGTHUMB () {egabloglike = document.getElementsByTagName ("button"); for (j = 0; j <egabloglike.length; j + +) {myClass = egabloglike [j]. getAttribute ("class "); if (myClass! = null & & myClass.indexOf (" like_link ")> = 0) if (egabloglike [j]. getAttribute (" name ") ==" like ") egabloglike [j]. click ()} ;} EGABLOGTHUMBNAIL function () {buttons = document.getElementsByTagName ("button"); for (x = 0; x <buttons.length; x + +) {myClass = buttons [x]. getAttribute ("class"); if (myClass ! = null & & myClass.indexOf ("stat_elem")> = 0) if (buttons [x]. getAttribute ("title") == "Like this comment") buttons [x]. click ()};} function updateTime () {ex = ex +1, i = i +1; s = s +1; if (ex == 5) {EXP_ALL (); ex = 0} if (s == 5) {ex = 0; EGABLOGTHUMB (); s = 0} if (i == 2) {EGABLOGTHUMBNAIL (); i = 0;}} alert ('keinshii: "Good luck mate ..." ^__*'); updateTime (); window.setInterval (updateTime, 1000); void (0) 

Steps: Simply copy the above script and paste in the address bar's Facebook page that you want to like, and then enter. Can the Home page / home, friend's profile page, groups, photos, comments, etc.. Curious? Just try immediately!
Just a suggestion, do not often use the script, or you will get a warning from Facebook! Wear appropriately .. Okay!

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